Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What started off as a small project!
The work on the sprinkler system turned out to be larger then expected. PVC pipping was to be routed from the back to the side yard and off to the front, then when they got to the front they found out that there was no PVC pipping but rubber hose as pipping! this pipping had leaks in various places, so what they ended having to do to make things right and functional, they re-did most of the pipping to PVC. Even some sprinkler heads had to be changed out. My new sprinkler system...
Ended up being a larger project.

Mounds and Mounds of Dirt!

Thanks to the workers at Alldredge Nursery, they worked really hard.

Riley was so good not getting in the way of the workers, actually I think she enjoyed having all those extra people in the yard noticing her!

A creature looking on at all the mess!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Family Home Evening- making our families the center of our lives and the top of our priorities.
Making our home a safe harbor from the storms.

Austin chose FHE at the park!

For FHE Austin wanted footlong subways.
Meatball subs are his favorite

Austin was in charge of FHE this last week, he talked about church history.
Good Job Austin!

Austins audience

Families Are Forever

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The handyman and I up on the roof checking for hail damage, then a day of landscaping, or rather yard work!
(Did I mention, I'm afraid of heights)

Topher enjoying a view of the neighborhood on our roof.

Austin on the roof - claims he's king of the roof.......

Dear HGTV: Needing some help with my landscaping........an ongoing project with my yard.

These pictures don't really look too bad, but the bushes are so over grown, there is trash and leaves underneath them, the yard is definitely needing some real CURB APPEAL!

It was a long day at work, still not where I want it, but moving along.

Sprinkler system Next!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Easter

Grateful for my family and
friends, for their love and
support to me and the

Oh Yes I did!
Easter Outfits for the boys

Brendan and the boys are never to old for Easter Baskets!

Ok - I don't know what Topher is looking for!

Happy Easter 2009, picture before church.

My friend Art from high school who was nice enough to come to church with us on Easter Sunday.

Topher - My peacemaker

Austin and I - My green eyed baby boy

I love my boys - Happy Easter - after church picture
No tie on Topher and Austins shirt is out, but all is well.

My boys and I having a moment of "NO bunny ears" on Easter.

Me and my Mom - Happy Birthday Mom

Becca my niece and my mom. Becca is a senior at Churchill in San Antonio, planning to go to college in Chicago this fall.

My brother Jesse, wife Rose, daughter Becca and their new baby!

Happy Easter to my Girlies
The girls hiding Easter Eggs around Sunny D, what a good sport!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

2009 Old Soreheads day was a blast this year, the boys and I and my friend Paul, my handyman came and browsed the vendors, but the best part of the afternoon was the food of course, I had roasted corn on the cob, milk chocolate peanuts that were the best I've had in a long time, a roast beef "gordita", and of course can't forget the diet coke. We also made some great purchases, I bought an old suitcase trunk for Christina, a copper pot, which I haven't figured out what I'm going to use it for, a cute shoulder strap purse, did I mention the chocolate covered peanuts.....hehehe. Handyman got me a sign that read "Chocolates make my clothes shrink", is he trying to say something to me or is that a hint? We all had a great time.

Austin enjoyed his mega huge pineapple drink, with free refills.

The boys and I had a great time at Stanton's Old Soreheads Day.

Of all the things for sale this takes the cake!

What people come up with to make money! Water YoYo's are they serious!

My handyman Paul, has lived in Midland all his life and has never been to
Stanton's Old Soreheads Days, so we brought him along.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 13th, 2009...........A day to remember
Last night at work, I had my first precipitous delivery, which means, I delivered my first baby without the doctor there! I was nervous, this baby girl was not going to wait for the doctor, and so much was going through my mind, watch for a cord, apply pressure to the head so as to not let the head hyper extend, suction the mouth and nose, clamp the cord x 2, have dad cut the cord, make sure baby had a good cry, and most of all STAY CALM....
She came into this world at 1906, full head of black hair, loud cry, tears were shed by mom and dad, pictures taken, all was well. Delivered the placenta, well
ok, it slid out. Cleaned her up and waited for the doctor to come. By the way, I was not alone in the room, I had a very "seasoned" nurse by my side talking me through it all. The doctor came, checked my work and patted me on the shoulder and said "good job Brenda".... I can't tell you how validating it was. This is what it's all about, as much as I struggled in school, I didn't quit!
I love my Job!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April brings Spring
With the warm weather, the girlies love playing outside. A few pictures taken on this warm spring day.
As you can tell, they are my favorite subjects. I will include the boys from time to time.

Spring is here at the Club House
April 2009

This beautiful bush (Wisteria) is growing on the side of my house and some on the roof (which needs to be pruned) and it smells wonderful, it is so large that I hate having to trim it down.

Austin took this picture. Good Job!

We went and bought some plants to see if we could get something to grow.
Austin wanted to plant something on his own and he chose a strawberry plant, not sure how well it will grow in West Texas, but he doesn't care. We'll see how it goes.

I decided to plant a PEPPER and a CILANTRO plant. I haven't had much luck with tomatoes, so I use canned tomatoes for my hot sauce. My friends say I should market my hot sauce. I'm glad they like it,
I make it, but don't eat it. Hmmm